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Learning Lab Resources
Consolidated List of Resources, Offices, and Services
The Learning Lab Resource pages are designed to help faculty and research-related staff find research resources and services to assist throughout the sponsored projects lifecycle.
Search by topic, role, and keyword to find university resources and services to help with your research.
If you need further assistance or have feedback about the site, contact the Pitt Research Navigator at pittresearchnavigator@pitt.edu.
Return to the Main Page
Disclaimer: The Pitt Research Concierge Program provides research resources and services for Pitt faculty and staff only. Some resources are applicable to students.
Areas | Responsible Department / Office | Description | Resource |
Account Setup | Controller's Office | Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) is the central, post-award accounting department reporting to the Office of the Controller within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer at the University of Pittsburgh. Sponsored Projects Accounting is responsible for central, post-award accounting, administration and management of externally sponsored projects at the University.
Sponsored Projects Accounting |
Account Setup | Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences Sponsored Projects | Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences Sponsored Projects guidance on beginning work on a project before the official start date of an award through pre-award spending and advance accounts. *Resource applicable for Arts & Sciences faculty/staff only. |
Pre-Award Spending |
Account Setup | Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences Sponsored Projects | Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences Sponsored Projects provides guidance on the account award setup process with an overview of the award activation process. *Resource applicable for Arts & Sciences faculty/staff only. |
Arts & Sciences New Award Setup Process |
Account Setup | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) details what is required before clinical & corporate contract account activation and steps for advance account requests.
Clinical & Corporate Contract Account Activation |
Account Setup | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) details what is required before grant account activation.
Grants Management Account Activation |
Account Setup | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) details what is required prior to a federal contract account activation.
Federal Contract Account Activation |
Amendments & Modifications | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | Proposal Quick Guides, Award Quick Guides for Department Administrators, and Quick Guides for Specialists for MyFunding to create amendments or modifications.
PERIS-TM Quick Guides |
Amendments & Modifications | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides details on creating an amendment or modification for an awarded grant.
Grants Management Award Modifications |
Amendments & Modifications | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides details on creating an amendment or modification for a clinical & corporate contract award.
Clinical & Corporate Contract Award Modifications |
Awards & Agreements | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides information on managing federal contracts & agreements and sponsored research at the University of Pittsburgh.
Federal Contract Manage Awards & Agreements |
Awards & Agreements | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides information regarding Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs)/NDA, Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs), Data Use Agreements (DUAs), Corporate-funded Agreements, and MyRA (My Research Agreements).
Non-financial Agreements & Awards |
Awards & Agreements | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides information regarding no-cost extension, change in PI, change in scope of work, and change in budget.
Financial Agreements & Awards |
Awards & Agreements | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides details on managing clinical & corporate contract awards and agreements, including information regarding conduct of research.
Clinical & Corporate Contract Management Awards & Agreements |
Central Offices | Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) | The Office of Corporate & Foundation Relations (CFR), located within the University of Pittsburgh’s Division for Philanthropic & Alumni Engagement (PAE), partners with Pitt faculty in securing and stewarding foundation and corporate philanthropic opportunities.
Central Offices | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | The Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS), part of the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor of the Health Sciences, supports faculty in the six schools of the Health Sciences to achieve success in their research program. OORHS provides faculty with grant writing assistance, guides faculty to federally and privately funded grant opportunities, manages and oversees the Health Sciences biomedical research resources, and administers two internal funding mechanisms – the Competitive Medical Research Fund (CMRF) and Bridge Funding.
Central Offices | Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) | The Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) at the University of Pittsburgh offers a wide array of information services, educational opportunities, and resources in print and electronic format to faculty, students, and researchers in the schools of the health sciences.
Central Offices | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) offers research services, guides and tools, funding, and education and training to all six of Pitt’s schools of the health sciences.
Central Offices | Office of Academic Career Development, Health Sciences (OACD) | The Office of Academic Career Development, Health Sciences (OACD) is dedicated to providing professionals in the schools of the health sciences with the tools, resources, and support they need to achieve their full potential as leaders in biomedical research, education, and clinical practice. The OACD supports graduate and medical students, postdoctoral fellows, residents, clinical fellows, and faculty, potentiating career excellence at all levels.
Central Offices | University Library System (ULS) | The University Library System (ULS) supports academic success through collections, spaces, printed books, datasets, cloud-based streaming content, and services that assist with research, teaching, learning, and making.
Central Offices | Office of the Provost | The Office of the Provost at the University of Pittsburgh provides leadership and support for the university’s academic mission. This office oversees areas such as faculty development, student success, academic policies, and strategic planning, and plays a central role in fostering academic excellence, innovation, and inclusivity across Pitt's schools, departments, and programs.
Central Offices | Office of Engagement & Community Affairs (ECA) | The Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) is the core unit at the University of Pittsburgh with responsibility to advance a community engagement strategy for the University, to ensure that Pitt is a partner and asset to the region, to mobilize the University’s response to community-identified problems and concerns and to support faculty and staff in delivering sustainable and substantive engagement and outreach activities.
Central Offices | University Communications and Marketing (UCM) | The Office of University Communications and Marketing (UCM) at the University of Pittsburgh manages the university's branding, storytelling, and public relations. UCM supports strategic communication efforts through media relations, digital content, marketing campaigns, and social media management.
Central Offices | Finance and Operations | The Finance and Operations (F&O) division at the University of Pittsburgh provides essential financial and operational support to the university community by overseeing budgeting, financial reporting, procurement, and operational services to ensure effective resource management. Sponsored Projects Accounting include research finance and effort reporting.
Central Offices | Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) | The Department of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) develops safety protocols and procedures to promote a safe work environment, manages the regulated waste process, and develops and maintains records for environmental safety training for all faculty, staff, and students.
Central Offices | Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship (OIE) | The Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE) is composed of four operating units: 1) The Innovation Institute provides education, mentoring and funding that helps faculty progress from benchtop to bedside and from idea to impact. 2) The Big Idea Center is an on-campus, inclusive innovation catalyst that develops the innovative and entrepreneurial skills of the Pitt student community. 3) The Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) serves as a one-stop shop for industry and venture capital firms seeking to partner with Pitt. 4) The Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence (IEE) provides business leaders with opportunities for personal and professional growth through education, networking, customized consulting and custom-matched peer forums.
Central Offices | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), a central office reporting to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Research (SVCR), is charged with assisting faculty, staff, and students in their efforts to promote and secure sponsored research funding. The OSP reviews, negotiates, endorses, and provides administrative oversight related to proposals and awards in accordance with all applicable laws, policies, and regulations. The Vice Chancellor for Sponsored Programs and Research Operations serves as the designated University Officer empowered for all sponsored research activities.
Central Offices | Office of Research Protections (ORP) | The Office of Research Protections (ORP) ensures the ethical and compliant conduct of research involving human participants, animals, and sensitive data. The units under ORP are Animal Research Protections, Conflict of Interest, Education and Compliance Support (Human Subjects), Human Research Protection, Human Stem Cell Oversight, Institutional Biosafety, Radiation Safety, Responsible Conduct of Research, and Research Security & Trade Compliance.
Central Offices | Center for Research Computing (CRC) | The University of Pittsburgh Center for Research Computing (Pitt CRC) offers University faculty members fee-free access to computing resources via a streamlined submission and proposal process. Each faculty member is automatically eligible for 25,000 computation hours on Pitt CRC computer clusters. Pitt CRC staff members deliver training workshops and provide one-on-one consultation to help facilitate research through advanced computing.
Central Offices | Pitt Research | Pitt Research, led by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Research (SVCR) is the central arm of the University's research enterprise—from pursuing and securing funding, through ensuring adherence to the highest standards of research conduct, to building collaborations that lead to successful commercialization. The functional units under Pitt Research are the Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Office of Research Computing, Office of Research Protections, and Office of Sponsored Programs.
Clinical Research Resources | Clinical Trials Office (CTO) | The Clinical Trials Office (CTO) provides centralized support for Principal Investigators and study teams engaged in clinical trials. The CTO can help improve efficiency, quality, and the cycle time of activation of clinical trials.
Services |
Clinical Research Resources | Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) | The Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) provides resources to the research community to ensure ethical research and the protection of individuals who participate IRB approved research studies.
About |
Clinical Research Resources | Education and Compliance Support for Human Subject Research (ECS-HSR) | Education and Compliance Support for Human Subject Research (ECS-HSR) provides information regarding UPitt Links, UPMC Links, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulations, Ethics Documents, Guidance Documents, and Professional Organizations.
Research Resources |
Clinical Research Resources | Purchase, Pay & Travel (PPT) | Pitt's Purchase, Pay & Travel (PPT) provides information on Vincent Payment Solutions™, the University’s payment solution for medical study participants and other applicable individuals in accordance with University Policy FN 29, Stored Value Card.
Vincent Payment Solutions & Paying Research Participant/Individuals |
Clinical Research Resources | University Communications and Marketing (UCM) | Office of University Communications and Marketing (UCM) provides information regarding Research Study Marketing Guidelines, Research Study Postcard Mailings, and Design and Print Suppliers.
Research Study Marketing |
Clinical Research Resources | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) provides information regarding Research Facilitator Services, Core Services Directory, Regulatory Resources, Community Outreach, Recruiting Study Participants, Research Facilities & Networks, and an Additional Resources Directory.
Research Services |
Clinical Research Resources | UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh - Research | Through the John G. Rangos Sr. Research Center located on the campus of Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, researchers have access to an outstanding array of cutting edge equipment for imaging and analysis as well as consulting support and project management services.
Resources for Investigators |
Clinical Research Resources | UPMC Cancer Center - Research | UPMC Hillman Cancer Center investigators are leading innovative clinical trials that offer patients access to the latest cancer tests and treatments.
Clinical Research |
Clinical Research Resources | Magee-Womens Research Institute (MWRI) | Magee-Womens Research Institute (MWRI) includes information on their investigators, Research Centers, Educational Programs, and Core Facilities.
For Researchers and Academics |
Commercialization | Innovation Institute | The Innovation Institute provides a step-by-step guide to take innovations founded via research from creation through commercialization, including licenses, patents, and start-ups.
Pitt Inventor's Guide |
Commercialization | Innovation Institute | The Innovation Institute has curated resources to help educate researchers on the commercialization process to help them accelerate on the path from research to impact. These materials from reliable sources help educate researchers on the process of translating their research discovery into a marketable product or service and are intended to complement in-house training programs offered throughout the year.
Innovation Commercialization Resources |
Commercialization | Innovation Institute | The Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE) provides information on submitting an Intellectual Property Disclosure form.
Invention Disclosure |
Commercialization | Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE) | Use the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE) contact form to receive assistance in moving innovations from the lab to the marketplace for real-world impact.
Contact |
Community Partnerships | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) offers the Stakeholder Engagement Resource Guide. This guide assists investigators in obtaining community feedback for their research projects.
Stakeholder Engagement Resource Guide |
Community Partnerships | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) has several community outreach opportunities such as Community Engagement, Community Health Series Partnership, Community Partners Research Ethics Training (CPRET), Stakeholder Engagement Resource Guide, Urban League Health Advocate Program, and more.
Community Outreach |
Community Partnerships | Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) | The Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) supports community-based collaborating scholar's active participation in research planning and implementation. Eligible scholars are granted access to several research-related resources such as the University Library System, attendance at workshops offered by Pitt Research, Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), or Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement (PAE) pertinent to research planning and seeking research grants, and conference attendance funding.
Community-Based Collaborating Scholar Resources |
Community Partnerships | Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) | The Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) collaborates across the institution to produce and amplify unique resources, programming, and initiatives that support community engaged scholarship projects and the professional development and advancement of engaged scholars at Pitt and within our broader communities.
Community-Engaged Scholarship |
Conflict of Interest | Conflict of Interest Division (COID) | The Conflict of Interest Division (COID) helps the University community understand and comply with individual conflict of interest (COI) and institutional conflict of interest (ICOI) policies and, when relevant, regulations. The COID works with University faculty, staff, and investigators and with other University offices to manage potential COIs and ICOIs.
Corporate Partnerships | Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) | The Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) serves as a one-stop shop for industry and venture capital firms seeking to partner with Pitt. OIEP facilitates the process of engaging in sponsored research, technology licensing, and new venture creation.
About Us |
Corporate Partnerships | Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) | For companies interested in executive education, strategic giving opportunities, procurement or commercial partnerships, or other types of engagements, The Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) can connect them with the proper campus resources. Information is available on research partnerships, technology licensing, and talent solutions.
Industry Partners |
Corporate Partnerships | Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) | The Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) provides a variety of services to support faculty in partnering with industry, identifying industry funding opportunities and commercializing ideas.
For Faculty |
Corporate Partnerships | Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) | The Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) team works closely with researchers to understand their specific interests and needs.
Contact Us |
Data Management Resources | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides information on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) data management and sharing policy (NOT-OD-21-013) that went into effect on January 25, 2023.
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy |
Data Management Resources | Office of Research Protections (ORP) | The Office of Research Protections (ORP) provides the Research Data Management Interim Policy and FAQs regarding Data Management plans.
Data Governance |
Data Management Resources | University of Pittsburgh Library System (ULS) | The University of Pittsburgh Library System (ULS) shares the principles of (research) data management.
Data Management @ Pitt |
Data Management Resources | University of Pittsburgh Library System (ULS) | The University of Pittsburgh Library System (ULS) provides information on working with data and code, managing your data and code, publishing and sharing your data and code, finding and reusing data and code, and more.
Research Data Services |
Data Management Resources | Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) | The University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) Data Services offers support, consultations, and customized trainings to help organize your research data before, during, and after collection, use data effectively, share your research data, and increase the reproducibility of your research.
Data Services |
Data Management Resources | Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) | The University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) simplifies data management and sharing plans for researchers and institutions with the DMP Tool’s efficient, best practice-oriented, and compliance-designed approach.
DMP Tool |
Data Management Resources | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute's Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Core provides data management consultation for research projects. The consultation may include guidance on data collection form and survey design, organizing data management for the project, selecting the best data management tool, designing a data collection system, requesting and utilizing health record data, and processes for integrating complex data.
Data Management Resources |
Data Management Resources | Pitt Information Technology (IT) | Pitt Information Technology (IT) provides information on Enterprise Data Transfer Service, InfoReady/Competition Space, Overleaf, Research Computing and Data (RCD), LabArchives, getting started with Research Firewalls, Research Network solutions, Research and Intellectual Property Checklist, and Scientific Computing Centers.
Knowledge Base - Research |
Education and Training | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) offers Community Partners Research Ethics Training (CPRET) and certification for community partnership who are actively involved in research with human subjects to learn about conducting research that is ethical and safe.
Community Partners Research Ethics Training (CPRET) |
Education and Training | Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) | The Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) offers Engagement Intersections, a series focused on highlighting and amplifying engaged scholarship as well as the teams that allow the University of Pittsburgh to be a visible partner in the region. Each session is designed for the presenters to highlight their community-engaged research and partnerships, share their process for design and implementation, and engage colleagues across disciplines in active conversation on the opportunities and improvements that might make those partnerships even more impactful.
Engagement Intersections |
Education and Training | Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) | The Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) offers the Community Engaged Scholarship Forum (CESF) to elevate, celebrate, and reflect on collective approaches to community-engaged scholarship by developing partnerships that achieve mutually beneficial, community-identified priorities. The event takes place Tuesday, March 4, 2025, from 8:30-4:30 in the William Pitt Union. Registration is required.
Community Engaged Scholarship Forum |
Education and Training | Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) | Upcoming educational events for the Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE). *This resource is available to those in all career stages, from graduate or medical students up to senior faculty. |
ICRE Events |
Education and Training | Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) | The Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) offers programs for medical students such as Certificate in Clinical Research, Certificate in Medical Education, Master of Science (MS) in Clinical Research, Master of Science (MS) in Medical Education, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical and Translational Science, Clinical Scientist Training Program (CTSP), Career Education and Enhancement for Health Care Research Diversity (CEED II) Program for Medical Students, and ICRE Programs for Students in the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP).
ICRE (pitt.edu) |
Education and Training | Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) | The Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) offers programs for graduate students such as Certificate in Clinical Research, Certificate in Medical Education, Master of Science (MS) in Clinical Research, Master of Science (MS) in Medical Education, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical and Translational Sciences, and Clinical and Translational Science (CTS) Fellowship (TL1).
Graduate Students |
Education and Training | Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) | The Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) offers degree programs such as Master of Science in Clinical Research, Certificate in Clinical Research, Master of Science in Medical Education, Certificate in Medical Education, Certificate in Clinical and Translational Science for Graduate Students in the Health Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical and Translational Science, MBA/Biomedical Translational Research and Entrepreneurship Program, and Non-Degree Option.
Degree Programs |
Education and Training | Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) | The Career Development Programs of the Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) are customized to meet the needs of senior faculty.
For Senior Faculty |
Education and Training | Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) | The Career Development Programs of the Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) are customized to meet the needs of every stage of junior faculty.
For Junior Faculty |
Education and Training | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) has a repository of training and education opportunities. *Education and training resources are available to faculty, staff, and students. |
Education & Training |
Education and Training | Office of Academic Career Development, Health Sciences (OACD) | The Office of Academic Career Development, Health Sciences (OACD), provides a range of programming for trainees and faculty at the University of Pittsburgh.
Programming |
Education and Training | Office of Human Resources (OHR) | Office of Human Resources (OHR) has programs and workshops that are offered to the University community by the Organization Development department to promote professional development, leadership, and performance management.
Learning & Development |
Education and Training | Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) | Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) develops and maintains records for environmental and safety training for all faculty, staff, and students. Training requirements are determined by your occupation and exposure risks.
Training |
Education and Training | Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance (ORSTC) | The Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance (ORSTC) offers a range of training and educational resources, including how-to guides, step by step instructions on processes to personalized trainings for individuals and groups.
Training | Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance (pitt.edu) |
Education and Training | Radiation Safety | Radiation safety training is required for all personnel using radioactive materials or radiation producing equipment at the University of Pittsburgh and affiliated institutions. Training for radiation workers includes instruction in the basic principles of radiation protection and the applicable policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements.
Training |
Education and Training | Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) | Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) training requirements to gain access to the MyIBC system
IBC Training |
Education and Training | Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) | The Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) makes it easy to find the latest information on IRB application requirements and training. *Trainings are available to anyone involved in human subjects research (faculty, staff, and students). |
Training |
Education and Training | Education and Compliance Support for Human Subject Research (ECS-HSR) | The Education and Compliance Support for Human Subject Research (ECS-HSR) Division is committed to enhancing the knowledge of Good Research Practices and the Regulations that govern Human Subject Research by offering educational and training resources.
Training |
Education and Training | Pitt Research | The Senior Vice Chancellor for Research Staff Bootcamp for Big Proposals is offered in the Spring of each academic year as a three-session training for research administrators who are supporting schools and departments with large-scale funding proposals. Participation requires a nomination from a Dean, Associate Dean for Research, or a prior staff bootcamp participant. Contact the Pitt Research Navigator for more information.
Email pittresearchnavigator@pitt.edu for more information |
Education and Training | Conflict of Interest Division (COID) | Conflict of Interest Division (COID) Training Requirements
COI Training Requirements |
Education and Training | Animal Research Protection (IACUC) | Animal Research Protection's (IACUC's) list of required trainings
Training |
Education and Training | Office of Research Protections (ORP) | Office of Research Protections (ORP) list of upcoming educational and training events
Events Calendar |
Education and Training | Pitt Research | Pitt Research sponsors Big Proposal Bootcamp, an 11-week program, kicking off each January and concluding in April, which introduces a small cohort of faculty to the skills to do large-scale, cross-disciplinary proposals and connect them to the diverse resources of support that Pitt has to offer as they develop those proposals. *If you are a faculty member interested in participating in Big Proposal Bootcamp, please let your Dean, Director, or Associate Dean for Research know of your interest. |
Big Proposal Bootcamp |
Education and Training | Office of Research Protections (ORP) | The Office of Research Protections (ORP) training page outlines research training requirements for individuals who conduct research at the University of Pittsburgh, including faculty, staff, and students.
Training |
Education and Training | Innovation Institute | Innovation Institute listing of upcoming educational events
Events |
Education and Training | Pitt Research Concierge Program | The Pitt Research Concierge Program's Learning Lab is a hub of educational videos and other resources to support faculty progressing through the sponsored programs lifecycle.
Learning Lab |
External Funding | Innovation Institute | The Innovation Institute offers funding information and resources related to industry-funded opportunities, venture capital, economic development organizations, crowdfunding, and angel groups.
Funding |
External Funding | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) provides the University of Pittsburgh's health sciences research community with up-to-date information about a wide range of external funding opportunities for research across the full breadth of the health sciences.
External Funding |
External Funding | Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) | The Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE) provides opportunities for trainees and keeps them informed about funding for clinical and translational research.
Grant Opportunities |
External Funding | Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) | Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) provides information on a variety of funding opportunities available to faculty.
Funding Resources |
External Funding | Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) | The Philanthropic and Alumni Engagement's (PAE's) Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) has designated a special group of private and philanthropic funders as Select Funders based on their strategic importance to the University.
Select Funders |
External Funding | Research Development Resources & Services (RDR&S) | Access Research Development Resources & Services (RDR&S) limited submissions page. A limited submission is any funding opportunity or honorific award from a federal or state sponsor, corporation, or foundation that limits the number of applications accepted from a single institution.
Limited Submissions |
External Funding | Research Development Resources & Services (RDR&S) | Access Research Development Resources & Services (RDR&S) overview of federal sponsors, corporate sponsors, and foundations.
External Funding |
External Funding | Research Development Resources & Services (RDR&S) | Pivot-RP is a powerful database of funding opportunities available for researchers at the University of Pittsburgh.
Pivot-RP |
Find Support | Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) | Frequently asked questions regarding working with Philanthropic & Alumni Engagement's (PAE) Corporate and Foundations Relations (CFR) to fund research.
Frequently Asked Questions |
Find Support | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) offers research resources and services that include the Research Facilitator Service, a Core Services Directory, Regulatory Resources, Community Outreach resources, Participant Recruitment services, Research Facilities & Networks resources, and an Additional Resources Directory. *CTSI resources are available for faculty and staff involved in health sciences research. |
Research Services |
Find Support | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | The Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) provides New Investigator Guidance to newly employed Health Sciences investigators.
New Investigator Guidance |
Find Support | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | The Health Sciences Core Research Facilities (HSCRF) Research Resources Coordinator assists researchers in navigating available resources and finding laboratory and analytical services.
HSCRF Resources Portal (pitt.edu) |
Find Support | Office of Academic Career Development, Health Sciences (OACD) | The Office of Academic Career Development, Health Sciences (OACD) provides a wealth of academic career development resources tailored for faculty within the Schools of the Health Sciences. Information available includes: Career Development Resources, OACD Programs, Resource Directory, Training Grant Resources, Upcoming Events, Video Library, and Wellness for Life.
Faculty |
Find Support | PittGlobal: Global Operations Support | PittGlobal: Global Operations Support has checklists available to help you when planning an international research project.
Researching Abroad Checklist |
Find Support | Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences | The Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences supports faculty members in the pursuit of individual research interests and collaborative projects. Information is available on funding opportunities, research resources, supervising student researchers, and research awards. *This resource is available for Arts & Sciences faculty and staff only. |
Research |
Find Support | University Center for Teaching and Learning | The University Center for Teaching and Learning provides links to research information and resources, along with recordings of the previous year's New Faculty Orientation.
New Faculty Essentials: Research – Information and Resources |
Find Support | University Center for Teaching and Learning | The University Center for Teaching and Learning hosts New Faculty Essentials events in virtual and face-to-face formats throughout the year.
New Faculty Orientation |
Find Support | Center for Research Computing (CRC) | The Center for Research Computing (CRC) provides free user accounts to all Faculty and PI's at the University of Pittsburgh. *Student, post-docs, and laboratory staff accounts must be sponsored under a project PI. |
Request A New Center for Research Computing User Account |
Find Support | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Faculty Resources page offers general information, guidance and notices, and proposal writing guidance.
Faculty Resources |
Find Support | Pitt Research Concierge Program | The Pitt Research Navigator delivers personalized customer service to connect faculty and research-related staff to Pitt research services, offices, and experts.
Pitt Research Navigator |
Find Support | Pitt Research | Pitt Research helps faculty, scholars, staff, students and external partners access tools and services to support their research across the University.
Resources for Researchers |
Intellectual Property & Technology | Faculty Handbook | The Faculty Handbook discusses patent rights on research activities results that have potential commercial value and public interest.
Patent Rights and Technology Transfer |
Intellectual Property & Technology | Office of Policy Development and Management | University of Pittsburgh Intellectual Property Policy RI 10 describes and establishes the rules, roles, and responsibilities governing Intellectual Property (IP) matters at the University.
University Policy on Intellectual Property |
Intellectual Property & Technology | Innovation Institute | The Innovation Institute provides FAQs on intellectual property, including licenses and patents.
Intellectual Property |
Intellectual Property & Technology | Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) | The Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) provides a short list of technologies available for licensing and/or company creation.
Technology Licensing |
Intellectual Property & Technology | University Library System (ULS) | The University Library System (ULS) provides information, resources, and tools to address copyright issues and concerns in research and teaching.
Copyright and Intellectual Property Toolkit |
Internal Funding | Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) | The Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) calls for Nominations and Proposals for the following, Partnerships of Distinction, Community Engaged Scholarship Forum (CESF) Collaboration Champion Award, Tracy Soska and John Wilds Outreach and Engagement Leadership Award, and Workshop Proposals and Poster Presentations.
CESF 2025: Call for Nominations and Proposals |
Internal Funding | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | The Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) provides the University of Pittsburgh's health sciences research community with up-to-date information about a wide range of internal funding opportunities for research across the full breadth of the health sciences.
Internal Funding |
Internal Funding | Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences | The Dietrich School provides links to other central offices for funding opportunities: Office of Sponsored Programs, Provost's Office, University Center for International Studies, Additional Sources. *Information applicable for Arts & Sciences faculty and staff only. |
Other University Funding |
Internal Funding | Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences | The Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences provides an internal funding matrix for research, scholarship, and creative activities in humanities & social sciences. *Information applicable for Arts & Sciences faculty and staff only. |
Internal Funding for Humanities and Social Sciences Research |
Internal Funding | Office of the Provost | The Office of the Provost recognizes individuals who demonstrate educational excellence in areas such as mentoring, diversity in the curriculum, and innovation in education. The office also provides funding in support of new projects that show promise for personalizing students' educational experiences and those that promote high-quality research, scholarship, and creative endeavors.
Provost Awards & Funding |
Internal Funding | Research Development Resources & Services (RDR&S) | Access Research Development Resources & Services (RDR&S) list of internal funding opportunities across campus.
Internal Funding |
Internal Funding | Pitt Research | The Momentum Funds aim to enhance and streamline internal funding opportunities for faculty research and support high-quality research and creative endeavors.
Pitt Momentum Funds |
International Research | Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance (ORSTC) | The Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance (ORSTC) lists the export regulations that the University of Pittsburgh community is required to comply with when traveling aboard with commodities, software, and technical data.
International Travel |
International Research | Pitt Global: Global Operations Support | Pitt Global's Global Operations Support provides details on what investigators should consider when conducting international research.
Considerations for Conducting International Research |
International Research | Pitt Global: Global Operations Support | PittGlobal's Global Operations Support provides information on research agreements, financial and non-financial, that may be entered as part of a foreign collaboration or during international research.
Research Agreements |
International Research | Pitt Global: Global Operations Support | Pitt Global's Global Operations Support provides information on budget planning for on-site international research.
Budget Planning for On-Site International Research |
Media Relations | UPMC/Pitt Health Sciences Newsroom | UPMC/Pitt Health Sciences Newsroom media relations staff are available to assist 24/7. *Resource available to UPMC/Pitt Health Sciences faculty only. |
UPMC Media Relations Department Staff |
Media Relations | University Communications and Marketing (UCM) | Media relations team members serve as primary contacts for the media. Communication managers collect and share Pitt news with the press and gather information for the University’s news service, Pittwire. They also provide strategic communications guidance to assigned schools and departments. The press are encouraged to contact news representatives to interview experts in a variety of fields.
Media Relations |
Media Relations | University Communications and Marketing (UCM) | University Communications and Marketing (UCM) maintains the strategic direction and execution of all University-wide social media accounts and serves as a resource for college, school and departmental presences.
Social Media |
Media Relations | University Communications and Marketing (UCM) | University Communications and Marketing (UCM) provides research poster templates that provide a basic format that incorporates the University shield and signature.
Research Poster Templates |
Non-financial agreements | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides information on Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDA), also referred to as non-disclosure agreement (NDA) or secrecy agreements, a legal agreement between a minimum of two parties which outlines information the parties wish to share with one another for certain evaluation purposes, but wish to restrict from wider use and dissemination.
Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs)/NDAs |
Non-financial agreements | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides information on Data Use Agreements (DUAs), a contractual document used for the transfer of data that has been developed by nonprofit, government or private industry, where the data are nonpublic or is otherwise subject to some restrictions on its use.
Data Use Agreements (DUAs) |
Non-financial agreements | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides information on Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs), contractual documents used for the acquisition of various biological and research materials, and occasionally, data, developed by nonprofit, government and private industry.
Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) |
Other Funding | University Center for International Studies (UCIS) | University Center for International Studies (UCIS) provides information on funding support, research opportunities, training programs, and other resources.
Faculty Funding |
Other Funding | Office of Engagement & Community Affairs (ECA) | The Office of Engagement & Community Affairs (ECA) offers the Project Development Cohort. A cohort of project teams work together to refine and advance their project plans to ensure logistic feasibility, community relevance, scholarly rigor and social impact.
Community Engaged Scholarship Project Development Cohort |
Other Funding | Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences | The Dietrich School funding page provides information on the Dietrich School Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund, Subventions for High-Profile Book Publications, Summer Term Research Stipend Program for Untenured Faculty, Symposia, Conferences, Performances (Major National Conferences @ Pitt, Other Symposia, Conferences, Performances). *Information applicable for Arts & Sciences faculty and staff only. |
Dietrich School Funding |
Other Funding | Pitt Research | The Pitt Research Awards & Funding page has information available on the Chancellor's Distinguished Research Awards and a form for Self-Reporting Honorific Awards.
Awards & Funding |
Progress Reports | Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences Sponsored Projects | Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences Sponsored Projects provides information regarding annual (or progress) reports and due dates for federal grants. *Information applicable for Arts & Sciences faculty and staff only. |
Annual Reports |
Progress Reports | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides information on the last steps, and what to expect, for federal contract progress reports and closing out a federal contract.
Federal Contract Progress Reports and Closing Out an Award |
Progress Reports | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides a step-by-step guide to creating a continuation/progress report in MyFunding
Creating a Progress Report |
Progress Reports | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides information regarding preparing a progress report for a grant.
Grants Management Progress Reports |
Project Management | Pitt Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management Office (Pitt PPMO) | The Pitt Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management Office (Pitt PPMO) provides templates for the five phases of project management based on size of project and guides on how to use the templates.
Project Criteria and Templates |
Project Management | Pitt Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management Office (Pitt PPMO) | The Pitt Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management Office (Pitt PPMO) has resources on Project Management, Project Management Tips and Tricks, and Pitt Project Management Connections.
PM Toolkit |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Pitt Research | Pitt Research provides information on requesting a personalized institutional letter of support for a sponsored project proposal, letter of recommendation, or letter for use in a publication signed by the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Research. Requests should be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the deadline.
Institutional Letter of Support Request |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides data required during proposal preparation, including applicant organization, assurance compliance information, facility and administrative (F&A) costs, fringe benefit rates for federally-funded projects, fringe benefit rates for non-federally funded projects, financial information, key identification numbers, and legislative districts.
Data for Proposal Preparation (General) |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides links to general information, OSP communications, policy notices and updates, agency updates, and research administration memos.
General Resources |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Pitt Research Concierge Program | The Pitt Research Concierge Program's Proposal Editing Service offers proofreading and editorial services for all types and sizes of externally sponsored funding proposals.
Proposal Editing Service |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Pitt Research Concierge Program | The Pitt Research Concierge Program provides resources to assist with grant writing (books, articles/tips, links to other Pitt proposal writing resources).
Proposal Writing Resources |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Pitt Research Concierge Program | The Pitt Research Concierge Program provides proposal preparation checklists, proposal boilerplate language, writing guides, and professional development templates.
Proposal Preparation Checklists, Proposal Boilerplate, Proposal Writing Guides,… |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Pitt Research Concierge Program | The Proposal Project Manager offers services to assist faculty by coordinating the development of large-scale, complex proposals for external funding opportunities.
Proposal Project Management form |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Research Development Resources and Services (RDR&S) | Research Development Resources & Services (RDR&S) provides information on applying for funding with resources from sponsors, support from offices at the University, and more.
Funding Resources |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Writing Institute | The Writing Institute provides one-on-one writing support for those who are writing grant proposals. It also provides links to additional resources that will be useful to those who are writing grant proposals.
Support for Grant Writing |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) | Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) provides questions as a resource to help faculty and staff prepare grant proposals.
Questions to Consider When Developing a Grant Proposal |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) staff members are available to assist Health Sciences faculty members by providing editorial assistance for grant applications that will be submitted for external funding. *This service is available to Health Sciences faculty only. |
Editorial Assistance |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | The Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) offers a service to have your grant application critically evaluated by scientists, including grantmanship advice, editorial review, and scientific review. *This service is available to Health Sciences faculty only. |
Application Assistance |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | The Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) recognizes the need for assistance in assembling multi-investigator and multi-disciplinary research teams, and it plays an active role in developing (complex center or similar) grant applications and research programs. In addition to the services provided for individual investigator projects, experienced scientists will review multi-project grant applications for clarity, logical flow, and scientific validity.
Multi-Investigator / Multi-Disciplinary Research |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) provides boilerplate language for University Facilities and Resources.
Facilities and Resources Boilerplate |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) provides general Health Sciences boilerplate language.
General Background Information |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) provides boilerplate language on the six schools of the Health Sciences.
Information about the Schools of the Health Sciences |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) provides assistance with planning, preparing, and submitting grant applications to the NIH and other sponsors.
Grant Application Support |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | University Library System (ULS) | The University of Pittsburgh Library System (ULS) provides links to their services related to research, teaching & learning, and making.
Services - Research |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) | The University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) guide to literature searching.
Literature Searching |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | National Institute of Health (NIH) | This National Institutes of Health (NIH) table describes which activities need to be disclosed, when, and in what format (Other Support, Biosketch, Progress Reports, etc.).
NIH Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch an… |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | National Institute of Health (NIH) | These National Institute of Health (NIH) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) addresses what should be included in a biosketch and how to comply with NIH biosketch requirements.
NIH FAQ on Biosketches |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | National Institute of Health (NIH) | These National Institute of Health (NIH) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) addresses what information should be included in Other Support documentation.
NIH FAQ for Other Support and Foreign Components |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Pitt Research Concierge Proposal Editor | Customizable proposal preparation checklist templates for National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) funding opportunities
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) - Proposal Checklist Template |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Pitt Research Concierge Proposal Editor | Customizable proposal preparation checklist templates for National Institute of Health (NIH) funding opportunities
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - R01 - Proposal Checklist Template |
Proposal Preparation Tools and Resources | Pitt Research Concierge Proposal Editor | Customizable proposal preparation checklist templates for National Science Foundation (NSF) funding opportunities
National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposal Checklist Template |
Proposal Submission Process | PERIS-TM | Quick Guides, FAQ, Glossary of Terms, and Forms related to MyFunding or MyRA
Resources and Support |
Proposal Submission Process | PERIS-TM | Quick guides for all aspects of MyFunding
Proposal Quick Guides |
Proposal Submission Process | PERIS-TM | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for MyFunding
Frequently Asked Questions |
Publishing Resources | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) collaborates with other local organizations on a monthly printed and online health page in the New Pittsburgh Courier, a Lunch and Learn series in the downtown Urban League location, and a quarterly Dinner and Dialogue series held in the University of Pittsburgh's Community Engagement Centers.
Community Health Series Partnership |
Publishing Resources | Pitt Research | The Research, Ethics and Society Initiative (RESI) has resources to help scholars and researchers communicate about research to people outside a specific field or outside academia.
RESI: Communication about Research |
Publishing Resources | University Library System (ULS) | The University of Pittsburgh Library System's (ULS) Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing (OSCP) offers expertise and services related to the publication and sharing of research and scholarship.
Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing |
Publishing Resources | Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) | The University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) supports dissemination of all types of research outputs, such as preprints, protocols, datasets, and software. Librarians offer support, consultations, and/or customized trainings.
Scholarly Publishing and Communication |
Publishing Resources | University of Pittsburgh Press | The University of Pittsburgh Press publishes titles in Latin American studies, Russian and East European studies, Central Asian studies, poetry, Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania regional studies, environmental studies, the history of architecture and the built environment, urban studies, composition and literacy, and the history and philosophy of science, technology, and medicine.
For Authors |
Purchasing/Travel | Purchase, Pay & Travel (PPT) | Purchase, Pay, and Travel (PPT) details information on purchasing goods, including but not limited to purchasing goods under/over $10K, returns and credits, purchasing with federal grants, and more.
Purchasing Goods |
Purchasing/Travel | Purchase, Pay & Travel (PPT) | Purchase, Pay, and Travel (PPT) details information on purchasing services, including but not limited to special types of services agreements, purchasing services under/over $10K, misc. purchases, and others.
Purchasing Services |
Purchasing/Travel | Purchase, Pay & Travel (PPT) | Purchase, Pay, and Travel (PPT) describes the Travel & Expense Management Program, designed to provide service and savings for University travelers. The program comprises a suite of products and services aimed at delivering exceptional travel-related services, streamlining the expense reporting process, and reducing travel costs. Products and services include Concur, Anthony Travel, and the University Travel Card.
Travel & Expense Management |
Purchasing/Travel | Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance (ORSTC) | The Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance (ORSTC) provides details on complying with United States export regulations when traveling aboard with commodities, software, and technical data.
International Travel |
Research Integrity | Pitt Research | The Research, Ethics and Society Initiative (RESI) helps to ensure that Pitt’s scholars and researchers pursue their work with awareness of its implications for society, the world, and future generations. Pitt joins peer institutions in providing research ethics consultation services through RESI, enhancing Pitt Research.
Research, Ethics and Society Initiative (RESI) |
Research Integrity | The Center for Bioethics & Health Law (CBHL) | The Center for Bioethics & Health Law (CBHL) brings together clinicians, scholars, and researchers from schools and disciplines across the University to investigate issues in bioethics and health law by employing empirical, philosophical, humanities, and legal research methods.
Research Integrity | Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) | The Research Integrity site defines research misconduct and how to report research misconduct.
Research Integrity |
Research Integrity | Office of Policy Development and Management | Policy RI 07 defines the University's policy on Research Integrity and how investigations will be conducted in the event that misconduct occurs.
RI 07 Research Integrity (formerly 11-01-01) |
Research Trainings | Office of Research Protections (ORP) | The Office of Research Protections (ORP) outlines research training requirements for individuals who conduct research at the University of Pittsburgh, including faculty, staff, and students.
Training |
Research Trainings | Animal Research Protections (IACUC) | The Animal Research Protections Office (IACUC) outlines research training requirements for individuals who perform animal research.
Training |
Research Trainings | Conflict of Interest Division (COID) | The Conflict of Interest Division (COID) provides information on discloser training, supervisor training, and administrator training.
MyDisclosures Training |
Research Trainings | Conflict of Interest Division (COID) | The Conflict of Interest Division (COID) provides information on who should complete a Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure and how to access the training.
COI Training Requirements |
Research Trainings | Education and Compliance Support for Human Subject Research (ECS-HSR) | The Education and Compliance Support for Human Subject Research (ECS-HSR) Division is committed to enhancing the knowledge of Good Research Practices and the Regulations that govern Human Subject Research by offering educational and training resources. *Note that these resources are for those conducting clinical research only. |
Training |
Research Trainings | Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) | The Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) provides information on IRB application requirements and training.
Training |
Research Trainings | Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) | The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) provides required training to gain access to the MyIBC system.
IBC Training |
Research Trainings | Human Stem Cell Research Oversight (hSCRO) | Human Stem Cell Research Oversight (hSCRO) details the required training for all researchers and lab personnel working with human stem cells.
Human Stem Cell Research CITI Module |
Research Trainings | Radiation Safety | Radiation safety training is required for all personnel using radioactive materials or radiation producing equipment at the University of Pittsburgh and affiliated institutions. Training for radiation workers includes instruction in the basic principles of radiation protection and the applicable policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements.
Training |
Research Trainings | Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance (ORSTC) | The Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance (ORSTC) provides information regarding How-to Guides, Required Courses, Education and Research, and a Video Presentations Library.
Training |
Research Trainings | Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) | Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) develops and maintains records for environmental and safety training for all faculty, staff, and students. Training requirements are determined by your occupation and exposure risks.
Training |
Research Trainings | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) provides the following training programs: Orientation to Research Fundamentals (ORF), Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training, and Community Partner Research Ethics Training (CPRET).
Education & Training |
Shared Services & Cores | Pitt Research Concierge Program | The Pitt Research Concierge Program is designed to reduce administrative burden and promote ease of research at the University of Pittsburgh.
About the Program |
Shared Services & Cores | Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences | The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences Shared Research Support services are a centralized, shared resource structure of 11 University laboratories, stockrooms, and shops. The staff supports Dietrich School faculty members and research groups by providing access to techniques, technologies, and services to enable the furtherance of research with cutting-edge instrumentation and scientific services. *Resources available for arts & sciences faculty and staff only. |
Shared Research Support Services |
Shared Services & Cores | Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) | Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) provides information on lab responsbilities, chemical hygiene plan, biosafety program, bloodborne pathogen exposure control program, hazard communication program, animal exposure surveillance program, laser safety program, personal protective equipment (PPE), respiratory protection, and radiation safety.
Lab Safety |
Shared Services & Cores | Pitt Information Technology (IT) | Pitt Information Technology (IT) provides a wide variety of software titles to students, faculty, and staff through the University's agreements with software vendors.
Software for Research |
Shared Services & Cores | Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) | The Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) Biomedical Research Resources provides information on biospecimen & histology, imaging & microscopy, computing & data analysis, cell biology, clinical research, model organisms, OMICS, in vivo/vitro agents, specialized assays, shared resource collections, and administrative and regulatory resource sites.
Biomedical Research Resources |
Shared Services & Cores | Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) | The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) includes the following resources: Implementation Lab, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, & Research Design, Community PARTners, Clinical Research Facilities, Biomedical Informatics, Innovation, Pilot Funding, Trial Implementation and Enrollment, Regulatory Knowledge & Support, Research Inclusivity, Team Science & Workforce Development, IMPaCT Core, and Human-Centered Design.
Core Services |
Subawards | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides the process for activating a subaward request in MyFunding.
Activating a Subaward |
Subawards | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides the process for updating a subaward request in MyRA.
Updating a Subaward |
Subawards | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Clinical and Corporate Contract Services Team (CC Team) within the Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for issuing subcontracts when the prime funding of an agreement is a corporate sponsor. Information available on the process for initiating a subcontract with the CC team.
Clinical & Corporate Contract Outgoing Subcontracts |
Subawards | Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) | The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides information on subawards, background on subawards, characteristics of subrecipients vs. contractors, and how to initiate a request for a new subaward.
Subawards |