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Learning Lab Resources

Innovation and Partnership

The Learning Lab Resource pages are designed to help faculty and research-related staff find research resources and services to assist throughout the sponsored projects lifecycle. 


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Disclaimer: The Pitt Research Concierge Program provides research resources and services for Pitt faculty and staff only. Some resources are applicable to students.
Areas Responsible Department / Office Description Resource
Commercialization Innovation Institute The Innovation Institute provides a step-by-step guide to take innovations founded via research from creation through commercialization, including licenses, patents, and start-ups.
Pitt Inventor's Guide
Commercialization Innovation Institute The Innovation Institute has curated resources to help educate researchers on the commercialization process to help them accelerate on the path from research to impact. These materials from reliable sources help educate researchers on the process of translating their research discovery into a marketable product or service and are intended to complement in-house training programs offered throughout the year.
Innovation Commercialization Resources
Commercialization Innovation Institute The Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE) provides information on submitting an Intellectual Property Disclosure form.
Invention Disclosure
Commercialization Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE) Use the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE) contact form to receive assistance in moving innovations from the lab to the marketplace for real-world impact.
Community Partnerships Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) offers the Stakeholder Engagement Resource Guide. This guide assists investigators in obtaining community feedback for their research projects.
Stakeholder Engagement Resource Guide
Community Partnerships Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) has several community outreach opportunities such as Community Engagement, Community Health Series Partnership, Community Partners Research Ethics Training (CPRET), Stakeholder Engagement Resource Guide, Urban League Health Advocate Program, and more.
Community Outreach
Community Partnerships Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) The Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) supports community-based collaborating scholar's active participation in research planning and implementation. Eligible scholars are granted access to several research-related resources such as the University Library System, attendance at workshops offered by Pitt Research, Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), or Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement (PAE) pertinent to research planning and seeking research grants, and conference attendance funding.
Community-Based Collaborating Scholar Resources
Community Partnerships Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) The Office of Engagement and Community Affairs (ECA) collaborates across the institution to produce and amplify unique resources, programming, and initiatives that support community engaged scholarship projects and the professional development and advancement of engaged scholars at Pitt and within our broader communities.
Community-Engaged Scholarship
Corporate Partnerships Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) The Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) serves as a one-stop shop for industry and venture capital firms seeking to partner with Pitt. OIEP facilitates the process of engaging in sponsored research, technology licensing, and new venture creation.
About Us
Corporate Partnerships Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) For companies interested in executive education, strategic giving opportunities, procurement or commercial partnerships, or other types of engagements, The Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) can connect them with the proper campus resources. Information is available on research partnerships, technology licensing, and talent solutions.
Industry Partners
Corporate Partnerships Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) The Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) provides a variety of services to support faculty in partnering with industry, identifying industry funding opportunities and commercializing ideas.
For Faculty
Corporate Partnerships Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) The Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) team works closely with researchers to understand their specific interests and needs.
Contact Us
Intellectual Property & Technology Faculty Handbook The Faculty Handbook discusses patent rights on research activities results that have potential commercial value and public interest.
Patent Rights and Technology Transfer
Intellectual Property & Technology Office of Policy Development and Management University of Pittsburgh Intellectual Property Policy RI 10 describes and establishes the rules, roles, and responsibilities governing Intellectual Property (IP) matters at the University.
University Policy on Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property & Technology Innovation Institute The Innovation Institute provides FAQs on intellectual property, including licenses and patents.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property & Technology Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) The Office of Industry and Economic Partnerships (OIEP) provides a short list of technologies available for licensing and/or company creation.
Technology Licensing
Intellectual Property & Technology University Library System (ULS) The University Library System (ULS) provides information, resources, and tools to address copyright issues and concerns in research and teaching.
Copyright and Intellectual Property Toolkit